For Immediate Release
August 9, 2019
Dr. Sheri Prentiss
Dr. Sheri Prentiss, MD, MPH, CPS/A, CPE, FACPE Earns the CSP® (Certified Speaking Professional Designation™)
Chicago, July 28, 2019 – The National Speakers Association® (NSA), the leading organization for the professional speaking industry, is delighted to announce that Dr. Sheri, a proven visionary, best-selling author, public health expert, ordained minister, highly sought after physician leader and breast cancer survivor, has earned the CSP® (Certified Speaking Professional™) designation.
Established in 1980, the CSP is the speaking profession’s international measure of speaking experience and skill. About 17 percent of NSA members hold this professional designation. Prentiss has demonstrated the Four E’s of Professional Speaker excellence: Eloquence, Expertise, Enterprise, and Ethics.
The CSP designation is conferred by NSA on accomplished professional speakers who have earned it by meeting strict criteria. Those who pursue the CSP designation must document a proven track record of continuing speaking experience and expertise, as well as a commitment to ongoing education, outstanding client service, and ethical behavior. Prentiss is one of 41 professionals to earn the CSP in the class of 2019. Prentiss was honored during a ceremony on July 28, 2019 at Influence 2019, NSA’s annual conference in Denver, CO.
“The CSP is the highest earned designation that can be achieved by a member of the National Speakers Association or Global Speakers Federation member associations,” said 2018-19 NSA President Dan Thurmon, CSP. “It’s an honor to recognize the 41 recipients this year. Earning the CSP is no small task. To achieve this designation, the professional speaker must demonstrate documented proficiency over a minimum of five years, must receive positive evaluations from their clients, and must be evaluated and affirmed through a peer-review process. When meeting professionals wish to hire a speaker with a high-level of expertise and competency, superior speaking ability, and a proven track record of professionalism and success, they can rely on those who hold the Certified Speaking Professional designation to deliver.”
It is her experience with cancer that has impassioned Dr. Prentiss with an empathetic fervor that embodies everything she does. She offers a unique perspective from being a physician, caregiver, cancer patient (now overcomer and survivor), and medical advisor to patients, as well as other physicians.
For more information on the CSP designation, please call NSA headquarters at (480) 968-2552, or visit our website at
The National Speakers Association® (NSA) is the leading organization for professional speakers. NSA’s thousands of members include experts in a variety of industries and disciplines, who reach audiences as trainers, educators, humorists, motivators, consultants, authors, and more. Since 1973, NSA has provided resources and education designed to advance the skills, integrity, and value of its members and the speaking profession. Visit NSA’s website at