What is your greater purpose in life?What are you meant to do with your life?

What is your life purpose?

These are not easy questions to answer and truly require self-exploration and soul searching. Figuring out what you truly believe in, what you’re passionate about, and what your life-calling is, may be a process that continues through-out your life-span. It’s a journey that involves uncovering what really motivates you and where your purpose can serve a greater good.

As a physician leader, I find it invaluable to continue learning and bettering myself. There is always room for improvement, and as life goes on I run into new areas of interest and ways to grow. The more I learn the more I discover who I am, and what I’m capable of. Similarly, as you grow, you have an opportunity to continually mold yourself into the ideal person you want to be.

Make the effort to learn more and grow as a person. Give yourself a big dream and something to strive for that keeps you motivated and driven by a greater purpose.

Whether you are reinventing yourself, as I had to do 7 years ago because of a career change, following your life mission, or just trying to find your niche, keep moving confidently toward your goals and never quit. There are so many ways to begin self-transformation. Over the next 4 weeks, I’m going to give you 4 significant processes to help you find your passion and purpose.