Breaking the Chains of Indentured Servitude: A Journey of Hope and Freedom
Presidential Achievement Award
Rod & Staff Global Ministries
Is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sheri Prentiss as its MINISTRY DIVISIONAL DIRECTOR – MEDICAL SERVICE / SUPPORT VISION STATEMENT
2019 CSP Press Release – Dr. Sheri Prentiss
Chicago, July 28, 2019 – The National Speakers Association® (NSA), the leading organization for the professional speaking industry, is delighted to announce that Dr. Sheri, a proven visionary, best-selling author, public health expert, ordained minister, highly sought after physician leader and breast cancer survivor, has earned the CSP® (Certified Speaking Professional™) designation.
October is BOTH Breast Cancer & Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Believe it or not there are many unique holidays observed in October (such as Cookie Month, National Pizza Month, and Apple Jack Month). The first two I think I will indulge in! However, there are only two conditions of “awareness” during this time and those are breast cancer and domestic violence.
The Evolution of Your Life – Serving a Greater Purpose
What is your life purpose?
These are not easy questions to answer and truly require self-exploration and soul searching. Figuring out what you truly believe in, what you’re passionate about, and what your life-calling is, may be a process that continues through-out your life-span
Top Questions To Ask Your Doctor Upon a Cancer Diagnosis
Want to know what you or your loved one can do to manage their care after a cancer diagnosis?
Asking questions is an important part of managing your care. The questions you choose should be based on your unique needs and interests, and those questions may change over time.
The Circle of Life Alters Your Circle of Friends
Life Evolves!
Our perception towards life is different in different phases of our life, be it our childhood days, teen days or as an adult. Every act we perform today impacts our life in one way or other.
A New Year For New Beginnings: The Time to Set Goals
“No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”
In other words, we don’t start over; but we begin again right where we are, a new year with the opportunity to make things better in our lives.