What is your life purpose?
These are not easy questions to answer and truly require self-exploration and soul searching. Figuring out what you truly believe in, what you’re passionate about, and what your life-calling is, may be a process that continues through-out your life-span
Top Questions To Ask Your Doctor Upon a Cancer Diagnosis
Want to know what you or your loved one can do to manage their care after a cancer diagnosis?
Asking questions is an important part of managing your care. The questions you choose should be based on your unique needs and interests, and those questions may change over time.
The Healing Power of Laughter
As a child, I didn’t find certain jokes played on me as being all that funny. But as I matured and lightened up a bit, I welcomed and even anticipated the humor in the pranks that were played on me, and welcomed the power of laughter.
Letting Go
Enjoy life!
I L.I.V.E every day and as a result I will leave behind a legacy that will hopefully allow others to journey along a path that is not so harsh, not as lonely and not nearly as painful.
Faith Engine Check
I perceive faith as a positive notion, akin to trust in God.
Active faith, then, would aim to remove negative thoughts about my illness, which could easily dominate me, and replace them with trust in God using a positive attitude.
The Reinvention of Me Part 1
Surviving breast cancer is a difficult, life-changing event – for anyone.
Personally, I underwent a partial mastectomy, a lymph node dissection, 15 rounds of chemotherapy and 33 treatments of radiation. I now have clinically disabling lymphedema (persistent swelling) of my right arm and hand and can no longer perform hands-on treatment of my patients.