Breaking the Chains of Indentured Servitude: A Journey of Hope and Freedom
Global Impact in Malawi: A Life-Changing Visit by Rod & Staff Ministries
Presidential Achievement Award
Rod & Staff Global Ministries
Is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sheri Prentiss as its MINISTRY DIVISIONAL DIRECTOR – MEDICAL SERVICE / SUPPORT VISION STATEMENT
One Girl’s Mom: A Bittersweet Experience of Domestic Violence
In recognition of October also being the month for awareness of Domestic Violence, I’m sharing my god-daughter’s personal tale in hopes that other young women will be inspired to walk away!
New Life: Same Beginning, Different Ending
In October 2008, just two months shy of my 41st birthday, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the right breast. After a partial mastectomy, 15 rounds of chemotherapy and 33 treatments of radiation, I developed lymphedema of my right arm, hand and fingers.
My Journey through Grief and Loss
As long as I have experienced success, I have shared and helped others in need. But in February 2009, it the midst of chemotherapy for a recent breast cancer diagnosis, a newly diagnosed potentially life threatening congenital heart defect and still days from the death of my mother, I was now the one in need. It didn’t seem to matter, though, that I was managing grief and waging my own fight against death of body and mind. The people who needed help didn’t hesitate to ask.
Dr. Sheri delivers commencement speech at the 2015 Weinberg College Convocation
Dr. Sheri brought tears, laughter, inspiration and motivation to the eyes, hearts and minds of the thousands of people who attended the convocation. This internationally diverse audience included people of all ages, ethnicity, and nationality who traveled from nearly every continent to celebrate the graduation of nearly 1000 graduates from the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences of Northwestern University.
New Nation Anointed Ministries Women’s Day Worship Service and Conference Hour
Dr. Sheri brought forth the Word of God as she shared her powerful testimony of her deliverance through multiple life threatening circumstances. The service was followed with food, fellowship and a book signing event.