Life Evolves!
Our perception towards life is different in different phases of our life, be it our childhood days, teen days or as an adult. Every act we perform today impacts our life in one way or other.
A New Year For New Beginnings: The Time to Set Goals
“No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”
In other words, we don’t start over; but we begin again right where we are, a new year with the opportunity to make things better in our lives.
‘Ask Dr. Sheri’ Interactive Series: A Story About Cancer, Hope, and Survival (Pt 4)
G’mornin everyone!
Several weeks weeks ago I introduced part one of the ‘Ask Dr. Sheri’ series; a “Q” and “A” interaction where I answer the most frequent questions I receive. A week later I released part two, and last week I published part 3 regarding my life, diagnosis, story about cancer, and my story of change.
‘Ask Dr. Sheri’ Interactive Series: A Story About Cancer, Hope, and Survival (Pt 3)
A few weeks ago I introduced part one of the ‘Ask Dr. Sheri’ series, and last week I released part two where I am sharing (and revealing the answers to) some of the most frequently asked questions regarding my life, diagnosis, story about cancer, and my story of change.
‘Ask Dr. Sheri’ Interactive Series: A Story About Cancer, Hope, and Survival (Pt 2)
Last week I introduced part one of the ‘Ask Dr. Sheri’ series where I will be sharing (and revealing the answers to) some of the most frequently asked questions regarding my life, diagnosis, story about cancer, and my story of change.
‘Ask Dr. Sheri’ Interactive Series: A Story About Cancer, Hope, and Survival
For the next several weeks, I will be sharing (and revealing the answers to) some of the most frequently asked questions regarding my life, diagnosis, story about cancer, and my story of change.
The Healing Power of Laughter
As a child, I didn’t find certain jokes played on me as being all that funny. But as I matured and lightened up a bit, I welcomed and even anticipated the humor in the pranks that were played on me, and welcomed the power of laughter.
Letting Go
Enjoy life!
I L.I.V.E every day and as a result I will leave behind a legacy that will hopefully allow others to journey along a path that is not so harsh, not as lonely and not nearly as painful.
RX for Optimism
I’d like to share with you a story about a woman. Her name is Yvonne Springs. She endured repeated domestic violence, but for fear of the lives of her children she didn’t run, until they were safely tucked away. By 26, she had four children and had remarried. Although her life was ahead of her, she was living for her children. Wanting to set an example for her 2 daughters and 2 sons she would not allow other societal role models to set the paths for her children.
Faith Engine Check
I perceive faith as a positive notion, akin to trust in God.
Active faith, then, would aim to remove negative thoughts about my illness, which could easily dominate me, and replace them with trust in God using a positive attitude.